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Menabung untuk Masa Depan: Cara Mengajarkan Anak Anda Menabung Sejak Dini

Easy Ways to Earn Millions of Dollars from Becoming a Vlogger


In various parts of the world, the actions of tens of millennials are recorded who are able to earn millions of US dollars from the YouTube channel they have created. If you feel you have high sensitivity and passion in the broadcasting world, this opportunity is very good for you to try. The important thing is to be creative and actively upload interesting and original content. These two things are important requirements to invite a large number of viewers and members (subscribers).


YouTube Usage Increases Rapidly 

There are millions of people who search for information on the internet through two channels, namely Google ( or YouTube ( YouTube is the second choice after Google, because YouTube is a video-based search engine. But the advantages, through this audio visual media, people more easily understand and understand the information.

Therefore, people are vying for income through YouTube. However, nothing is instant in achieving success. But there's nothing wrong with trying and trying again until you succeed in displaying a YouTube channel that viewers like, according to your interests and abilities. 

Vlogging: Welche Tools? Die ultimative Anleitung | JOBY

Tips to become Youtuber 

1. Create a YouTube Account/Channel

YouTube is one of Google's products that is connected to other products, such as Gmail, Blogger, Google AdSense, Google Plus, Google Drive. First, create an account on YouTube. You can fill in all the data in the form provided, or through your Google account. It is highly recommended that you create a Google account first.Then, create your channel on YouTube. Give an attractive and memorable name, also define the character of your channel that can distinguish or stand out from other similar channels.

2. Verify YouTube Account with Mobile Number

You must verify before you become a YouTube Verified Partner. The goal is to be able to upload videos that are longer than 15 minutes, and are a condition for monetizing your channel.

Go to your YouTube dashboard > click the "Channel" menu on the left of the dashboard > select the Status and Features menu > click Verify > you will be directed to the verification page. Select Country and enter mobile number (must be original) and select Receive Message.

Automatically, the Google system will send a verification message in the form of a 6-digit number code. Type the code in the column provided on the page, and click the Verify button.

3. Make Interesting Videos

This is the main thing you should do, because it is from videos that you can earn money. You should already have an idea of what video you are going to make. As a rule, the video must be attractive to YouTube viewers, because the more interesting it is, the more viewers will watch your video.

You can shoot using a smartphone, handycam, or SLR camera. The important thing is that the video must be your original work, because if you use a work that is already copyrighted by someone else, you can be subject to claims and will make it difficult for your YouTube business later.

4. Pay attention to YouTube SEO Factors

SEO (search engine optimization) is an attempt to improve your site's ranking and save time. SEO is not just for blogs (text) but also YouTube (videos). You have to use basic SEO first so that your video keywords (keywords) are at the top and get a lot of views.

a. Give your video a title. Use keywords that are related to the content of the video and words that are commonly used by the public.

b. Fill in the video description to provide more detailed information about the video material (if needed).

c. Fill in video tags to make it easier when displaying related videos. Relevant video tags will appear together, when viewers search for a video theme.

d. Share or share on social media to notify the existence of your video to the general public in cyberspace (netizens). You can also share videos to your social media, so that your contacts know your videos and are interested in watching them.

5. Doing Live Speaking to Improve Customer Engagement

Later, if you already have a large fanbase or fans, you can hold meetings and greetings. You may have a regular schedule for your community to grow. This activity is done to increase your engagement with your loyal subscribers or viewers. Later, you can also sell products or promote other content during the event and take advantage of this opportunity to get to know your nice market better.

Vlogging kit: Everything you need to get started | Creative Bloq


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