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Menabung untuk Masa Depan: Cara Mengajarkan Anak Anda Menabung Sejak Dini

Difference between Vision and Mission

Difference Between Mission and Vision, Goals and Objectives

Even though we often hear about vision and mission, many of us still often can't tell the difference between vision and mission. Not only that, maybe we actually don't understand the correct understanding of the vision and mission itself.

Definition of Vision

Actually the meaning of the word vision is more forward oriented. The first difference in vision and mission is that according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) vision means vision; observation, the ability to feel something that is not visible through the subtlety of the soul and sharpness of vision, the ability to see at the heart of the matter, view or foresight.

While in general the vision is a series of words that indicate the dreams, ideals or core values ​​of a desire of a group of people or personally with a distant view of the future in order to achieve a desired goal.

Vision can change and develop according to the influence and development of the times that cannot be predicted in the future. Therefore, the vision is often not written in detail, but is described in detail explaining the system description that is the goal.

Therefore, there are several requirements that a word or sentence can be said to meet the vision criteria, namely not based on current conditions, forward-looking and expressing creativity and based on the principle of values ​​that contain appreciation for the community.

Definition of Mission

The meaning of the word mission is more focused on how to take steps to achieve the vision that has been determined. What be believe we can do or what we can do. That is the difference between vision and mission if interpreted literally.

Mission is a statement of what must be done in an effort to realize a vision that has been made. The mission is like small steps that are divided to make it easier and a real form of effort in providing direction as well as the boundaries of the process of achieving goals.

In other words, the meaning of mission is priorities, methods, or work values that form the basis for providing an outline for realizing a vision. Although the differences in vision and mission are enough to make us confused, but mission and vision are a unity that must go hand in hand. 

Difference between Vision and Mission

- Vision is made for the future and is general in nature. Missions are made for the present or the present and are more detailed or specific.

- A vision is a goal, a future, a goal, a thing to do. Mission is a step, form or method and how to make it happen.

- Vision consists of several sentences or statements, usually a series of sentences or points that are clear, concise and represent everything. The mission consists of a number of sentences or statements that can explain the purpose. Usually consists of a few sentences of elaboration or various kinds of points that are more of a vision.

- Vision is the big picture or overall picture of what you want. Mission is the description of what will be done to achieve or realize the vision.

- Vision is more long term. Missions can be carried out immediately and quickly.

So, it can be concluded that the difference between a vision and a mission is a shadow and a way for us to see a picture of a goal in the future, while a mission is a method and steps that we can take right now to realize the vision we have planned.



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