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Menabung untuk Masa Depan: Cara Mengajarkan Anak Anda Menabung Sejak Dini

Do What You Love VS Love What You Do

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We hear this sentence very often in various motivational videos and from people who have been successful in their fields. Although these two sentences are very easy to say, but to realize it may be very difficult. Finding things we really like and making it a routine activity, especially in terms of work, requires maturity of preparation because ultimately we also have to know the consequences and be responsible for our own choices.

The sentences do what you love and love what you do have the same words in them, but the context and meaning are very different when realized in real life. In this article, we will discuss these two sentences and what should be prioritized first? Do what you love first or love what you do first?

 Cara Lebih Bahagia di 2020

What does "Do" mean in this sentence? 

All the activities we do must have a reason why and what the impact will be if it is done or not done. Activities both positive and negative will still have a direct effect on us. "Do" here only refers to positive things and that will have a positive impact on both us and others. Types of activities such as hobbies or work will be closely related to these two expressions because many people do not understand the goals they get from these two activities.

Psikolog Sebut Senang dan Bahagia adalah Hal yang Berbeda, Kok Bisa?

What does "love" mean in this sentence?

Love or love is a feeling of pleasure and liking that comes from within a person because of its forming factors. Love here is defined as a positive feeling given to a particular activity or activity. This makes us happy to do it without thinking too much about things that can hinder the activity.


Do What You Love


In terms of work, this should be prioritized first. Doing something that we like makes us not feel burdened if there are problems or obstacles in the middle of the trip. If the job that we will choose or already have is something that we really like, we will have more motivation to complete it so that we can exceed the predetermined target. In terms of looking for solutions, we will find it easier to find them because when we are happy with our work, there is no despair or giving up on solving it. If it is positively appreciated by other people and superiors, we will be very proud of the results that have been achieved. This of course also motivates us to do other great things.

In reality, if we like writing, we can turn that pleasure into a profession like a novelist or a journalist. If we like to play musical instruments, professions related to it such as musicians, songwriters, music teachers, etc. can be a reference hobby that can produce. All the things we like can be used as opportunities to make money and with that we will be more happy and in love with the work we have.


Love What You Do


After we determine and then carry out the chosen activity, there must also be responsibilities and consequences. It doesn't matter whether the activity eventually makes us bored after doing it for a long time. Therefore we must learn to love all activities and jobs that have been chosen because at first we have chosen it to be a part of our lives. This choice is expected to have a positive impact in the future. Once you get used to it, you will be more excited to do all the work or activities you do.


The point is that we have to do the activities we like first so that if anything happens in it it won't stop us from continuing to do it as much as possible. After that, we will be happy and in love with the activities and professions that we already have. Life is beautiful if we can take advantage and enjoy the opportunities that exist. Do what you love then love what you do.


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